I came across two very professional looking infographics from colleagues this week. The colleagues are not designers, so I was very impressed with their work!
It turns out that they both used Venngage.
I must give it a try the next time that I think that I need an infographic!
Tags: Venngage
I recently heard about SamKnows in the context of it being available in Ireland! In summary, it is a free to participate in scheme which involves plugging a box into your ISP’s internet connection in order to measure actual speeds! You can then compare these actual speeds to the advertised speeds in order to determine the difference.
Tags: Ireland, ISP, SamKnows
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I just updated my Firefox to version 29.0.
The things I like are:
- The user interface seems cleaner, and more polished!
The things I do not like are:
- The “Firefox” or “Application” button is missing from the top left! I do not see any reason why the “Hamburger” button on the right is better! It is more difficult to see, and it is less convent!
- My favourite theme Silvermel no longer works. Instead I am using Dark Fox.
However, I think that a lot of the changes will be very positive for less experienced users!
Tags: Firefox
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Happy World Information Society Day!!!
I only became aware of this today when a colleague mentioned it!
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Happy New Year! I hope that it will be a good one for you!
Here is an impressive HTML5 Presentation. I actually came across it a few weeks ago, but I somehow forgot about posting it here :o
Tags: HTML
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Happy birthday Teknovis!
It has been a great four years of regurgitating other people’s news :)
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A nice infographic on Internet usage by Visual.ly (click image to see larger version):

Internet Usage Worldwide (Copyright Visual.ly)
(There are many other very interesting infographics on that website also!)
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I do not think so, but there have been some very interesting development this weekend!
Firstly, Facebook and Yahoo have come to a mutual agreement to share and cross license their patents! See Facebook and Yahoo settle patent and form ad alliance for more details.
Secondly, the UN has decided to intervene by hosting a summit for some of the companies currently involved in the patent wars. I do not know how successful this will be, but I think that it cannot hurt to try to improve the current situation! See Patent war talks to be hosted by UN agency to protect innovation for more details on this story.
Tags: Facebook, Yahoo
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A friend made me aware of this fascinating story of a two-factor authentication failure – I know someone whose 2-factor phone authentication was hacked….
(It is an interesting blog!)
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