Jul 31 2012

Gigapixel Camera

Category: Digital Imaging,Fourth LevelTeknovis @ 19:18

Yes – you read the title correctly! A team of researchers from Duke University has built a gigapixel camera for the US Department of Defence. The approach it has taken is to create a curved sensor (probably best understood from the drawing below). I think that is very interesting!

Gigapixel Sensor (Copyright Digital Photography Review)

Gigapixel Sensor (Copyright Digital Photography Review)

You can read about it, and see a sample photo, in One-shot gigapixel camera offers a future beyond flat sensors and Megapixel Camera? Try Gigapixel.

One Response to “Gigapixel Camera”

  1. Eimhin says:

    It’s a lot of raw data, but I much prefer the direction that light field capture – like the Lytro “concept” camera – is taking photography.