Oct 23 2008

3D Desktop by BumpTop

Category: SoftwareTeknovis @ 22:38

I came across this very interesting 3D desktop demonstration today by a company called BumpTop. You can also watch one of BumpTop’s creators demonstrate BumpTop at TED 2007. (Indeed, the TED website contains many interesting videos!)

Although I really like the look of BumpTop, and I imagine that it is even more impressive in reality, I am not sure how useful it is for organising files. I am saying this from the perspective of somebody who is ultra organised! My computer desktop only ever contains three application shortcuts, and I am really good at using file structures! Even my real desk must be clear before I leave it!

I was thinking about applications for BumpTop on tablet PCs and PDAs, but again I cannot see any benefit to me.

I think the application of BumpTop that would most appeal to me is inside the application! For example, I enjoy digital photography, and many times I will have lots of images from a single shoot simultaneously. These photos will all be stored in the same directory because I use a directory per shoot. However, when I am editing them I often create temporary shoot-specific groupings.

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